Friday, December 19, 2008

OLE aren't you the greatest?

Don't forget to make all the men in your life Pretty this holiday season. Here's some favorites that the guys in our life seem to favor.

Ole Henricksen, a Sunset Blvd spa staple, has the some of the greatest products ever (for men and ladies). Any man would be thrilled to start using their practical no-fuss formulas. I really like their men's gift set because it pretty much includes everything for a proper cleaning.
Hair wash, Cleanser, Sheer Transformation, and Walnut Complexion Scrub.
$70 Ole Henricksen

After your man has scrubbed and cleansed, he'll want to shave. So toss one of Ole Henricksen's newest products, clean shave in your online shopping cart. It's 7 fl ounces of foaming action for that close sexy shave. Since the product foams its so much easier for your guy to get the right amount of product where he wants it! $28 Ole Henricksen

Psst...purchase over $100 worth of products and get two free product samples for yourself!

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