Sunday, December 21, 2008

Thakoon teaches economics to fashion critic

We Pretties are counting the days until Thakoon for Target is available (mark your calendars for 12/28!), but in the meantime, fashion critic Booth Moore was able to check out a preview of his high-fashion at a low-budget line for the Image section. Unpleasantly she found that his line for Target was startlingly similar to his Spring 2008 collection. Why so glum? She actually put down the big bucks for the real deal when Thakoon debuted the line. Hmm...we sincerely doubt she doesn't flash around her title for some kind of discount. I mean, what kind of reporter can really pay for an $800 skirt? And what kind of fashion critic should?

Nonetheless she felt cheated and annoyed that she'll be wearing her genuine Thakoon skirt - paid for, or gotten for free from the designer because, well, she is a fashion critic for the LA Times - while out getting coffee, and then see some young Pretty wearing something slightly similar for a 10th of the price.

Luckily, she realized "that the skirts I bought were too expensive in the first place. A cotton skirt shouldn't cost $800, it just shouldn't. I was on a spending binge like the rest of the world, and that mind-set is partly to blame for the sorry shape we're in now. (Let's hope retailers learn the same lesson and take a hard look at their markups.)"

We Pretties could not agree more.

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The LA Pretties