Friday, January 30, 2009

Fuck You, Penguin

Hi Pretties!

Yes, it's Friday and we have a hilarious website for you to check out during your last few hours at "work." Fuck You, Penguin is our Pretty Pick of the Week and you can see why. We can't stop laughing at the author's ability to chew out obnoxiously cute and clever animals.

For Instance:

A quote from a recent post titled, "What conceited meerkats really want to do is direct":

"Oh my God, you little highly social jerk off. It's not enough that you get your OWN FUCKING SHOW, you have to be Ansel fucking Adams with the camera. But this is exactly what happens when animals get too popular, it all goes to their heads and they start to think they should be running the show."

Another fantastic post is, "Iguanas are living in the past":

"Not to be a dick or anything, Iguana, but you're not a fucking dinosaur. I know you roam around showing off your scaly skin, beady little eyes, and your nose holes. And yes, I've seen your tongue. But let me ask you a few questions. Can I ride you? Do you have answering machine messages from Steven Spielberg? WERE YOU ON MY SHOES WHEN I WAS EIGHT???

So don't waddle or slither or whatever you do over here and pretend that you rule the earth. WELCOME TO THE QUATERNARY PERIOD, IGUANA."

What are you waiting for? Add Fuck You, Penguin to your bookmarks now!

1 comment:

Lady D said...

hahaha! This is going to keep me entertained for hours :)

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The LA Pretties