Friday, January 30, 2009

Oui! oui! Paris Couture

Refinery 29 did some digging to bring us the best of Paris Couture Week. They reported on eye catching trends: Matadoresque, Golden Age, The big V, and Uptown Girls going Downtown Chic.


Above, from left: Jean Paul Gaultier, Avalon Vega, Jean Paul Gaultier, and Christian Lacroix.

The Golden Age

Above, from left: Martin Margiela Artisanal, Alexis Mabille, Alexandre Vauthier, and Christian Lacroix.

The Big V
Above, from left: Jean Paul Gaultier, Stephane Rolland, Jean Paul Gaultier, and Alexandre Vauthier.

Uptown Girl Going Downtown Chic

Above from left to right: Marco de Vincenzo, Stéphane Rolland, Cathy Pill, Felipe Oliveira Baptista.

We're obviously big fans of all things Golden here at LA Pretty, but we don't think these looks are exactly our kind of RTW. The other looks are giving us some Pretty inspiration.

Images and article courtesy of Refinery 29.

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